


‘Kids2Kamp’ fundraising campaign for a full residentional camp 

The Story:

Every year for the past 22 years (except lockdown) Spark Ministries has run summer residential camps for Albanian children.  We have seen God do, and continue to do mighty works in the children’s lives during our camps – seeing many come to Christ and others go deeper in their daily walk with God.  We never cease to be amazed and are very privileged to have served over 4000 children in our camp ministry so far. See more about our ministry in ‘Activities’ – Adventure camp.

Camp Flyer Logo ENG

The Need:

  • For ‘KampiAdventura’ this year we are planning for 100 campers to attend a one-week period.
  • For most Albanian families it’s financially impossible to send their children to camp, so we need to subsidise approximately two thirds of the costs, making it possible for them to attend.  We require only £65/ $80 (8000 leke) to sponsor a child to attend camp. (The estimated total cost per person is 12,000 leke. 8000 leke from a sponsor and 4000 leke from the camper).
  • We are looking to raise a total of £5,525/ $6,690 to sponsor these 85 children.

How you can help: 

  • Prayer – There can never be too much prayer over such a spiritual project!
  • Give direct a one-off donation for this campaign online through either: Stewardship (UK) Kids2Kamp UK gifts or Tithe.ly / (USA) Kids2Kamp US gifts
  • Give as a church: Take up a special offering, commit to sponsoring a planned number of children, or create a fundraising event.
  • Share this exciting story and our needs through your network. e.g. forward the link/cause on Facebook etc..
  • Volunteer! please see our Camp Volunteer page for more information.

*Approximates due to changing exchange rates.